Monday, February 25, 2008

Middle Name Meme

Lene tagged me for this Middle Name Meme:

Here are the Rules: Post the rules on your blog, and then give your answers. List one fact about yourself for each letter in your middle name. Each fact must begin with a letter from your middle name. If you do not have a middle name, use your maiden name(or create a middle name).Once you are tagged, update your blog with your middle name and your answers. At the end of your post, tag one person for each letter of your middle name.

This isn't very hard. My middle name is Jo. (My mom was born in Tennessee! Oh, and that's her best friend's name!)

J - justice-oriented. While I'm not always a fan of the rules, I try to follow them and it bugs me (in ways that it probably should not) when other people don't, or think the rules don't apply to them. Not a great character trait (can be perceived as "judgmental") but I'm working on this....
O - outgoing - I try to play the quiet, laid-back type, but I can't keep that up for long. I connect pretty quickly and love juggling lots of friends at different levels of closeness.

I've always wished I had a more exciting middle name, but if you knew "Auntie Jo", you'd know it was a privilege to share her name! Did I spell privilege correctly? It looks funny...

Okay. I tag my Heathers.... You know who you are!

1 comment:

Lene said...

I was coming to tell you that I tagged you but you were quick :)