So now we are trying to get into the 2009 groove. I have been lazy with Micah and he's a little behind in some things, so I have work to do. We moved him out of his crib this week which has gone wonderfully. He is too cute in his big bed and he hasn't gotten out of it. yet. Finishing the almighty potty training is next on the list. Boo. Then onto Riley and his freaky sleeping habits. And then Katie and her finger-sucking habits. And then... Oh well, one thing at a time.
Riley is doing great. He is eating baby food now, and a good deal of table food. I break all of the baby food laws so he has had a bunch of different things and seems quite agreeable with everything, except prunes and bananas. A child after my own heart. I'd let you know how big he was but I'm a little behind on the well child checkups (lost that mother-of-the-year-award again) so I don't really know how big he is. But he turns 6 months next week and I just noticed that the 3-6 month sleepers (which should be called "livers" because he lives in them, not just sleeps) are getting a little small, so that seems about average.
Micah is doing good too. He has mellowed out quite a bit over the last few weeks which is nice for everyone. I've started teaching him to read music and he's picking it up really well so far. He has mastered letters and numbers so I thought this would be a good challenge for him since he seems to have picked up the musical genes.
Katie is reading like a champ these days which isn't nearly as exciting to her as it is to us. She is far more interested in her social calendar which is, sadly, much fuller than my own! Life is pretty sweet for her and she has been making some new and very nice friends this year, so we are glad for her. She continues to be very good with her little brothers and I really count on her help (and she generally comes through.)
Rick made it through the Christmas season and got all of his jewelry jobs done with 2 days to spare, so that was good. He had a busy season but did some amazing pieces. I am glad he has the chance to keep those skills up. It's a good outlet for his unending creativity as well.
Well, as for me, I'm just trucking along. I'm about to start reading "The Shack" which I have been delaying because it seems to be a difficult one to get through, emotionally. But even Rick has read (well, actually listened to) it and I seem to be one of the few left to tackle it, so I guess I'll jump off the cliff like every other lemming! Besides that I don't guess I'm doing anything particularly note-worthy. As long as everyone gets fed and washed and doesn't watch too much TV, I figure I'm doing an okay job! :) Happy new year!
My sweet, smiley baby who is growing way too fast.
This is my nephew Pax and my kids at the childrens museum here in SC. Katie is trying to catch the "snow" (aka bubbles, which is about all the snow they'll likely see here in SC, thank goodness!)
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