And to further prove my geek-ness, I let Rick take a picture of the stuff but I'm not going to post it. I have a very small amount of dignity (and it was the pharmacy - slightly more personal than groceries!)
Then, instead of taking a Sunday afternoon nap, I went to Rite Aid and spent $11 on $40-some dollars of stuff. No picture, though.
I think one of the reason's that I think this couponing stuff is fun is because it's a bit of a challenge. Also, I get a some free stuff that I don't really need and can donate it to our local foodbank, like the 25 cent toothpaste I got today that is a kind we don't use. But the best reason I like it is because I am taking half of the amount I save (which today is $50 - yeah) and depositing into the "Teresa Discretionary account." I haven't decided what the money will be for yet. Possibly braces for Katie (I love my girl but her teeth are looking a little goofy - don't tell her I said that, by the way). Or maybe first a cruise for our 15th anniversary next year, then braces. Or maybe something else. But watching that little savings account stack up is very exciting so it provides incentive for me to keep clipping like a fool. And telling you about it!
One other thing to share - the 2 big kids had their gymnastics meet (non-competitive, more like a showcase). It was very funny. Here are a couple fun pics. The quality isn't great - I was using the zoom and it was a little dim in the gym.
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