Thursday, June 28, 2007


You know, one of my mantra's as a parent is that you don't have to be really smart, just a little smarter than your kids. It's getting to where it's touch and go, here at our house. Today, Katie told me that the words in the book she was "reading" to Micah were spelled wrong. (Under the pink hat was the word `pink' - she thought they spelled `hat' wrong.) Makes sense I guess. (This was the time to interject the "Your happiness in life is all about expectations..." speech, but I refrained.) I did get a little more worried when Micah brought me a wet diaper. I assumed he had busted into a trash can somewhere in the house til I noticed that he was looking a little skinny inside his overalls. Sure enough, somehow he managed to get his diaper off while remaining fully dressed in shorts overalls. I'm a little worried about the ramifications of this new trick.

I think I might need to go back to school.

I do feel a little better, though, that Katie mistook some of Micah's slobber, that had dripped onto the floor, for bug pee. Oh, and the other day, she watched a news clip about 2 dead bodies that were found on the road in downtown Columbia, naked. She reported to all, "The police found a male and a thee-male and they were unclothed in the road." We cracked up a little at that! The reporter said it was an accident and that no foul-play was involved. Sorry, but Katie and I agreed that if you are found naked in the road, it is no accident! (We skipped lightly over the dead part with her.)

I guess that's all I have for today!

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