Thursday, April 10, 2008

Yard Work Buffoon... one of my new titles. It's not that I HATE working in the yard - I admit, it ranks below a number of other things on the scale of "things I like to do". But there are a number of things lower on that list. However, I just don't have a clue what is going on out there and why things happen the way they do so I live is a state of perplexia (new word) about what to anticipate.

Case in point, (or is that supposed to say "case and point"? Katrina, help?) reference this blog entry about the surplus of acorns falling in the yard last fall. Fast forward to last week and this conversation.

me - Hey Rick - there is some kind of funky weed taking over the front yard. Think we should do anything about that?
Rick - Oh yeah? Where?
me - Uhh.. in the front yard. Look at all those weird plants growing up all over with the wide leaves.
Rick - Those are oak trees.
me - How can you tell?
Rick - Because they have oak leaves and that's where the kids dumped a bucket of acorns.

I was totally shocked. I know that theoretically, acorns grow oak trees, but I had no idea that they EACH grew one tree. Now there are about 50 baby oak trees in the front yard. What am I supposed to do now?

1 comment:

HAM said...

Suddenly I don't feel like as much of a yard buffoon:)