Friday, June 30, 2006

You know, I have a few blogs that I check periodically and I get bummed when I look and there is nothing new. And then, I look at my own, and there is nothing new. I guess I figure everyone else has a more exciting life than me and has much more to say!

The only thing exciting in our house is that Micah FINALLY sleeps all night! It took only a couple nights of screaming and he was done - like, "I finally get this. Cool." Since then, he has learned so much - I think his little brain is able to work better. He says Mama, Micah and what sounds much like cookie. He calls Rick "gaa gaa" which is pretty close. He is also starting to stand on his own without holding onto anything for a couple seconds at a time. I know there is much to fear when he learns to walk, but as a somewhat experienced mom, I can truly say that I am looking forward to it in many ways! He weighs over 26 lbs. I would love for him to bear some of that weight himself, some of the time. He also wants to keep up with Katie so bad - it truly drives him crazy at the park or the beach to not be able to handle the terrain on his knees. I have never seen a kid hate a stroller like this kid does - he can't handle being restrained! So, in all, it will be a good thing. And I may lose some weight chasing him! It will be good for all of us!

Katie had a sleep over this week! One of the elders wives from church invited her over! She was so so so so excited! She packed her backpack at 3:00 and held onto it until after church when it was time to leave with them! Didn't even tell me goodbye until I chased her down in the parking lot! She made it all night and even slept until 8:30 am for them! Rick and I were so depressed, walking past her bedroom that night with the bed still made and no one in it! Micah was looking for her the next morning - she is usually the first one in to see him! But she had a great time - she is just growing up so fast these days!

I guess not much else is new this week. I will try to post some pictures soon. Hope you are having a good day too!

1 comment:

Jimmy, Tiffany, Abigail and Cooper said...

I get the sleep over thing. My sister-in-law volunteered to take Abby with her as a "pre-camper" at church camp this week. Basically, several of them with kids too young to actually be "campers" are going up to help (and staying in the cushy, air-conditioned suites -- okay, lodge.) They are going to rotate having different ones doing camp-like things for all of the kids of those moms who are going. So she would go up there for a week. I don't know if I can do a week with her there ... plus it means she is around her cousins for a week straight without me there to help fend off the badness.

We'll see.