Monday, July 03, 2006

The Land of Perpetual Mowing

I think I live in the land of perpetual mowing - lawn mowing, that is. It is currently 100 billion degrees outside (well, actually 96) and there is someone mowing their lawn. At 9:30 this MONDAY morning (don't normal people work on Monday's?), there was someone cranking it up. At any hour of daylight, it seems like someone is mowing their lawn, not off in the distance mind you, but right beside the window of whichever of my children, or me, happens to be sleeping.

It is not that our neighborhood is the picture of horticultural perfection. Rick manages to keep the weeds below knee level and we look about average. And he only devotes a couple hours every other week to that endeavour. So I ask you, why in the world do I constantly hear lawn mowers? I guess I need to move to Samoa.

Speaking of Samoa, I just figured out how to put a link on the link section, to the right of this post and down a few lines. It is to the blog of our good friends who just moved to American Samoa (an island owned by the US in the south Pacific - just go to Hawaii and turn left, then go straight for about TWO THOUSAND miles! You can't miss it!) They are working as vocational missionaries/adventure seekers! Their experience is fun to read about, and you aren't too far behind if you start now - they've only been there a couple weeks (and I already miss Jaime very much!)

Happy 4th of July and Happy Mowing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That is so funny about the mowing. I remember when we lived in Memphis it never failed just as we all laid down to take a nap the neighbor would mow his yard. I wanted to scream and let him come take care of three babies. Then when we lived on Cloverdale our neighbors were all retired and we either woke up to or napped to mowing once again. No one understands how much we need those little ones to sleep and us too.

Happy 4th!!