Monday, July 10, 2006

A Visit

I had a great experience Friday night. We got together with some friends to sing. At some point in the evening, Micah and Katie were occupied and I got the chance to become wrapped up in the music. We sang a song that we used to do in chorus at Harding - Give Me Jesus. For just a couple minutes, I was transported, back onto creaky risers, with Anita on one side and Debra on the other, and I could see Dr. G's face smiling at us. I truly felt "back in time." It was cool.

However, as much as I enjoyed the visit back to that time, I was just as glad to open my eyes and see the adoring look on Micah's face, as he pulled up on my legs. It was nice to visit my college days, but I sure wouldn't want to live there again! I think the problem that some folks have is that they think that living __________ - back then, ahead when, etc - would be so great. They forget to look around at the blessings of the moment.

I am quite content to be here and now and just glimpse back then or dream ahead to when...

Hope you are having a contented day!

1 comment:

Jimmy, Tiffany, Abigail and Cooper said...

I struggle with that so much these days. I went to the last MOPS meeting here (for the year) and i wanted to badly to be with MY MOPS group. I sit in church singing God Put a Rainbow in the Cloud (a song which should be erased from memory -- it's not even hermanutically correct) and I would do almost anything to see Rick up fron singing or James winking at Abby during Listen to Our Hearts.

It's so hard to be content sometimes, even when you know what is around you is a gift from God.