Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Riley - 1 month old

I got Riley's picture made yesterday. He turns 1 month old on Thursday. This child is such a sweet baby but he is not very good with cameras - we have had a hard time getting very many good pictures of him. This one was the best from our shoot yesterday. My mom made the blanket he is wrapped in. It's one of his favorites.

My only regret is that we didn't get a good full-body shot of him to show how scrawny he is! I am glad to say, though, that he finally appears to be filling out some of his extra leg and arm skin! He is losing the Sharpee (I don't know how to spell that, but I mean the wrinkly breed of dog) look he was born with.


Anonymous said...

How sweet! He is so adorable!

Lene said...

What a precious little boy!