Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Plain Old Sunday

Well, it's just another day around here. Let's see what I can tell you...

Micah started going happily into his preschool last week, for the first time. Previously, he would start, from the moment he saw me put his backpack in the car, saying "No no Miss Debbie does bubbles." (Miss Debbie is his teacher and she usually ends the day with a massive bubble-blowing event, earning her the name from Micah "Miss-Debbie-does-bubbles".) He has gone from throwing a raging fit when we leave him to now throwing a fit when we pick him up. I think that kid has a quota of fits he must throw each day because it seems pretty arbitrary when he throws them. He wants music on. He doesn't want music on. He wants certain music on. He wants it louder, softer, etc.... But fortunately for him, he's a lover and my frustration is diminished when he (frequently) showers his love on me. One of my friends said her 3 year old asked her, at a rather tense parent-child moment, "Mama, are you trying not to kill us?" I guess Micah might sense that at times, so he pours on the charm!

I am daily astounded at what Katie is learning at school. It's been mostly good stuff so far! I'm sure the bad stuff will astound me too, whenever we get around to that! The other night we were laying in her bed thinking of everything that starts with the letter "M". I said "marshmallow" and she said, "Hey mom, did you know that is a compound word?" Wow! She's in kindergarten, for Pete's sake! Anyway, I'll quit there to avoid the "look-my-kids-a-genius" obnoxiousness that irritates me with other people! I'll save the listing of her amazing accomplishments for my parents. Isn't that the great thing about grandparents? They never tire of hearing how wonderful your kid is!

Anyway, Rick is doing good too. He launched a website for his jewelry stuff - you can see it here . The business has been just enough for him and we are blessed by the chance to keep his skills up and supplement our income.

I wrapped 6 Christmas gifts last night. I was pretty proud of myself. Not that they look exceptional or anything, but that is just 6 gifts that I won't have to buy the week before Christmas! I know, it's a glamorous life. You don't have to remind me.

Well, unfortunately, that's about all I got. I'll sign off with one of my new favorite quotes...

"Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs."

PS - By the way, in the picture above, Katie is not squatting down - Micah is really that tall! Yikes!

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