They tell you during your parenting crash course that you shouldn't leave young children unattended while they are eating. I heard this. What they didn't tell you is that while a child is eating, safely secured in his highchair, you can get a surprising amount of work done. (This, along with many other things, is why I always lose my mother-of-the-year award in early January!) With Katie, this unattended eating issue only came up once, when she stuck a straight pretzel in her ear and broke it off. (Thanks to Shari and her suction machine, we were spared an ER visit.) However, with Micah this is becoming a bigger issue.
The funniest occurrence was on our mega-trip a couple months ago. We were eating Chick-fil-a in the car. As he finished his nuggets, Micah started calmly saying "Mama. Chicken. Nose." Micah says strange stuff, so I don't get too worked up. He might have thought he saw me put chicken in my nose, which I was pretty sure I hadn't. He might have been wondering if chicken's had noses. Or, it was possible that he was saying something that had nothing to do with chickens or noses. I did look in his nose and of course I couldn't see anything, so along we went.
We stayed in a hotel that night and the next morning, Rick took him down to the continental breakfast. A crowded hotel breakfast is hairy enough - add a fast and determined 2 year old and Rick's patience was put to the test. But the best part, which I laughed heartily about upon hearing it, was when Micah did a gi-normous sneeze in the middle of it all and out flew a rather large piece of chicken. We now know that Micah's nasal cavity must be quite large to have accommodated such a chunk of chicken! Honey mustard, anyone?
Ahhh... the glamorous life! And it's only getting better!
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