Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Many Faces of Katie...and one amazing cake!

Well, Katie had a great birthday. Actually, it was more of a "birth-week" celebration! I think that the coolest pics of Katie's bithday are her funny expressions! Note the fancy earrings! They were not made by Rick!

I also had to include a picture of the cake! I am quite proud! It was my/our (Rick was grunt labor) first attempt at a real cake - decorating tips, fancy pan, etc. If you factor together the cost of the stuff, the 4 hours it took to make the thing and the ache of my back when I finished and then subtract from that about $25, which is what I could have bought a cake for, I don't think I came out very far ahead. But it was made with love, and 3 lbs of powdered sugar, so it was tasty!

Katie's party was fun! Only minor injuries, to pride and self-esteem, with the game of musical chairs, and no one was taken out by the pinata stick, although it was close. I didn't consider how long the thing should be. Note to self - 48 inches is too long for a stick being swung by a 40 inch tall 5 year old with 12 of her closest friends nearby! There should probably be some sort of equation for that!

Anyway, she is officially 5. She asked me today when she would be totally 5. I guess that is a pressing concern with her! But she is as 5 as she can be, and a sweet 5 at that!


Jimmy, Tiffany, Abigail and Cooper said...

Great pictures, great expressions, great earrings, and great cake! Tell Katie congrats on being the big 5 now!

Philip said...

Tell Katie "Happy Birthday" for Ally -- didn't you know that box was for her birthday? j/k, I'm not that smart. I hate that we missed out on all the fun, but the pictures help us feel closer to home! Jaime