The good news was that when I picked him up at noon, I stood in the classroom watching him for a good 5 minutes before he even noticed me there. He had a good time, I think, runny nose and all. I enjoyed the morning - I began a new Bible study with some girls and it's nice to not have to rush through it.
So here are some of the captured moments. (I'm sure Rick will create another podcast with the video he took, in case you are dying to see the live action version!)
The backpack is a little large, but so cute! He likes the "pack pack" part of school!
This is when I should have left! But I just had to say good bye, which is when the tears started. (If anyone is ever at church and wonders what exactly "weeping and knashing of teeth" looks like, you can just imagine the first day of preschool with 10 nearly-2-year-olds leaving their mamma's for the first time!)
His class has 7 boys and 3 girls. I would not be volunteering to be in charge of that mess! But Miss Debbie and Miss Elaine are veteraned 2-year-old teachers, so I will happily let them do their thing!
In other Micah news, we are starting to see 3 and 4 word sentences! It is very cute! Today at lunch he kept saying, "mo chikit muck agin pees." I knew exactly what he wanted. If you can't figure it out, you probably need to come for a visit! Anyway, it is so sweet to listen to his little voice, especially when he sings! He definately got more of the music gene than Katie did and it is so cool to see it develop. We'll try to get that on video - it would make a good podcast, I'm sure! (By the way, if you did download his podcasts from iTunes, thanks for indulging my technologically obesessed husband!)
I hope your day was as exciting as ours!