Friday, August 24, 2007

The Other Child

I have been a little preoccupied with Katie's things this week, but I wanted to let all 4 of my faithful readers know I haven't forgotten the little Mike. Thursday morning, we were all dressed and fed and ready to go and it was only 8:00! What a new scene for us! So we sat on the couch and pondered our new little existance - just him and me. I came to the conclusion that we can finally do what HE wants. He has been packed around to all of his sisters events for 2 years. Now is Micah time. So we sat a little longer with me trying to figure out what he might want to do. I haven't given that much thought!

So we ended up at the park. It was surprisingly cool and there was no one there. An empty park is no fun to Katie but Micah loved it! He had no one to stand in line behind, no one on the swings to kick him when he walked in front, no one to be hit with the rocks he loves to throw. It was great! We stayed 2 hours. He did miss Katie, though. As soon as she got home, she shucked her clothes and he put them on over his own. It was cute.

So here is the little man these days. He is cute beyond words and such a ham. The child plays to the crowd, even wose than Katie did at this age. He has a touch of OCD in that he wants the same song played over and over until he learns it and can sing along. There is nothing more precious than hearing a little child sing "Lord, You're Beautiful".

He has made this week survivable for me. We are both excited for Saturday, though. There is something just-not-right with Katie gone!

1 comment:

JG said...

Mini-Rick is so cute! Glad that you are surviving this week, though I can't believe that Katie is big enough for kindergarten. Hope your weekend was fun!
